terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2007

A Scanner Darkly

"I will never do [insert chosen activity here] ever again."

Sounds familiar enough. We've all been there at one point or another. We've all felt that agonizing remorse after just having done something that we knew we shouldn't have in the first place. Be it eating too much chocolate after dinner as desert, one two many drinks at that after party that pushed us over the edge, or that unfamiliar substance that we knew would cause us pain in the long run if we took it. We've all done something we've regretted in the end.

A Scanner Darkly tells the story of Bob Arctor (Keanu Reeves), an undercover officer who is trying to get to the suppliers of the new drug called Substance D. In order to do this, he goes deep into the lives of his addict roommates and ends up on the wrong side of the fight himself. The twists and turns that the movie takes just add to the realism [or surrealism] that is presented to the audience of how a life under the influence can be unpredictable.

The different animation techniques also help to give the audience an "inside look", if you will, on the life of an addict. All of the characters appear to be in a 2D daze and the backgrounds seem to spin with every camera move.

The movie's main message is that the drug industry is a lot more complicated than people really think it is. The "enemy" is always the least expected one. Of course, you can think what you will about what the director [or Philip K. Dick himself] was trying to say with this movie, but I guarantee it will fall somewhere around that train of thought.

Richard Linklater's adaptation of this Philip K. Dick's novel of the same name is extremely well done.

One last thought: make sure you aren't tired or depressed when you go see this movie. It has a very powerful soothing affect. You come out of it in a daze. An affect that was, yet again, very much intentional, I have no doubt about it.

- Gabriela Becker

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Ah sim... coisa q eu esqueci no outro comentário..
Outro motivo pra ver o filme...
(!) : Keanu Reeves!



Artemio disse...

Haven't seen A Scanner Darkly yet, although I've meant to. I'm generally a fan of Philip K. Dick myself. We read The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch in a philosophy class, and that takes a bit of mind wrapping to get around, but I really liked Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (made into Blade Runner, with Harrison Ford, in the early '80s). Classic dystopian film. I believe "Total Recall," "Minority Report," and "Paycheck" are all film adaptations of Dick's stories.

Unlike Isis, I gotta say that I'm not all that partial to Keanu Reeves, but he's got a cool name ... :-)

Thanks for the link, btw, Gabs ;-)