segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2007

And it all ends up being forgotten...

Early this year, 2007, a horrible and cruel crime chocked the Brazilian population. While a car was being ambushed and the family inside mugged, a six-year-old child was dragged through the streets of Rio de Janeiro for seven kilometers while being held by the car’s seat belt.

According to witnesses, it was a truly horrifying scene in which the attackers, one of whom was underage, knew exactly what they were doing.

This fact created a large repercussion and an intense discussion in the country about reducing the age at which juveniles are charged as adults. The subject found its way into everyday conversations and eventually reached the senate. The attackers were sentenced but nothing ended up being changed about the age at which juveniles are charged as adults.

The child’s family began a campaign with the intent of preventing this murder from becoming just another act of violence; and that it, above all, would not end up being forgotten by the population and the government. This however was not successful. Along came the airline crisis, which also has its importance, but unlike the violence acts, only affects a small part of the population. Other issues also came up which eventually forced the João Hélio case out of people’s mind and was deleted from their memory.

Such a serious case, chocking and sad, it was just another demonstration of violence in the country; a country ruled by the inconsiderate politicians and that has its problems forgotten by its own population. But unfortunately, this is the Brazilian reality. As time goes by, it all ends up being forgotten...

- Amanda Rodrigues

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Okey, here I go again...
In english this time..

Just to say good luck, girls!
